What is a gum disease?
Our gums tell a lot about our oral health and general health. Gum disease is an inflammation of the gums which can progress to affect the bone supporting the tooth.
How is gum disease caused?
Plaque is sticky colourless film that is constantly forming on the surface of the teeth. Saliva, food and fluids combine to form plaque which contains bacteria. Plaque starts forming immediately after brushing. Hence it is very important to brush and floss our teeth twice a day. If the plaque is not removed, it hardens to form tartar or calculus. The tartar cannot be removed by brushing. Only a professional dental cleaning would remove the tartar. The bacteria in the plaque cause inflammation of the gums (gingivitis).
What are the causes of gum disease?
Plaque is the primary cause of gum disease. But other factors can also cause gum disease. These are
What are the symptoms of gum disease?
Gum diseases are usually painless even in advanced stages. So it may go unnoticed. But there may be other symptoms like
What are the stages of gum disease? Is it reversible?
The bacteria in the plaque cause inflammation of the gums (gingivitis) which is the early stage of gum disease. This stage of the gum disease is completely reversible by treatment. When left untreated the inflammation spreads to the supporting structures of the tooth and the bone.
The gums and bone gets pulled away from teeth causing pockets. Dirt gets accumulated in these spaces causing infection. This condition is called periodontitis which is the second stage. In advanced periodontitis more bone destruction happens and the teeth become loose and eventually fall off.
How to prevent gum disease?
What are the treatment options for gum diseases?
Most of the initial gum problems could be treated only by a professional dental cleaning once in six months.
Scaling and root planing- The plaque and tartar is removed from above and below the gum lines using piezosonic scalers.
Flap surgery,pocket reduction surgery, bone grafts, soft tissue grafts, guided tissue regeneration, gum reduction surgery are some of the procedures done at Smile and Glow to treat Gum diseases. Piezosurgeries are yielding very promising results for gum diseases.
How does gum disease affect the general health of the body?
Gum diseases have a direct link on general health. The bacteria from the gums enter the bloodstream and cause serious health issues like stroke, heart disease, diabetes, alzhimers,cancer, pregnancy complications like low birth weight babies, pre term delivery, osteoarthritis and diabetes.
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