Maxillary Surgery

Maxillary Surgery

  • Le Forte 1 (impaction/ set back/ Advanced)
  • Anterior Maxillary Osteotomy
  • Surgically assisted rapid palatal expansion

maxillary surgery in chennai

A maxillary surgery is done to correct skeletal malocclusion in adults when the underlying cause of the facial deformity lies in the maxillary bone. In adult patients with skeletal discrepancies orthodontic treatment alone may not give a satisfactory result. Hence certain surgical procedures are carried out together with fixed appliance treatment (braces) to get the best possible result.

The commonly encountered problems in maxilla that require surgical orthodontic corrections are:

  • Maxillary Prognathism, where maxilla is in a protruded position
  • Maxillary Retrognathism (Deficiency) where maxilla is in a retruded position.
  • Cleft palate

All Orthognathic surgeries are combined together with fixed Orthodontic treatments.

The treatment procedures include three stages:

  • Pre-surgical Orthodontics where misaligned teeth are brought into a new position as a preparatory position for surgery.
  • Surgery:  Maxillary or Mandibular surgery is performed depending on the patient's requirement.
  • Post surgical orthodontic treatment:

This is done for the final correction of occlusion and teeth alignment.

Authored By : Dr. S. Hemamalathi and Dr. K. S Senthil Kumar

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