One of the most exciting developments in the field of Endodontics (root canal treatment) is the operating microscope, which makes possible extreme magnification. The microscope magnifies the structures upto 25 times their actual size. Combined with the high illumination it enhances visualization. There are a lot of fine details with respect to the dental anatomy that visualization without magnification tends to miss out. For instance the presence of extra canals, subtle root cracks, narrow canal entrance, colour changes on account of ageing or calcification may go undetected in the absence of a microscope. Microscope helps to identify and treat even minute structures and problem areas with precision, which cannot be seen with the naked eye. It helps in achieving excellent long-term clinical success.
Microscopic magnification and advances in endodontics are helping to save teeth that might have been lost some years ago.
Benefits of RCT under Microscope
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